Phone photo on the go for business. Chilling with my cat and dog in my house

1 thing that needs to be in SM content

tips Jul 05, 2024

I’ve noticed that the people I follow on IG are truly passionate about the content they create. They seem to genuinely enjoy the PROCESS, and this is what attracts such large audiences.

I know many entrepreneurs express a reluctance to put effort into content creation (can’t blame them, it takes time and effort), but it’s essential to consider the energy behind your content. If the energy behind it “I hate doing it. I do not care how it looks like. Etc”, what do you really attract?

I’ve come across a few amazing storytellers on Instagram, women who are… omg… 70+ years old and have almost 1 million followers. Isn’t it inspiring?

Their secret?

Creating content brings them joy as they share their knowledge and wisdom with others.

Same with other successful people with huge following that I follow.
You can feel the genuine energy they infuse into their content. They have fun. And this is what attracts.

Is it for everyone?
Probably not. 🤷‍♀️

But if you have chosen to be an entrepreneur, … now it is the part of the game and maybe it is the time to change the attitude about SM and really have fun with it. 😉

Visual Messaging DIY is a self-paced, online course that will help you:

1. Create great photo content on the go just with your phone without wasting time on any preparation.
2. Save tons of money on photoshoots (btw, most of entrepreneurs use max 10 images from each photoshoots) and always have the right image to pair with your copy,
3. Use images to support your marketing. (position yourself as authority, build trust, target market, show social proof, excite people to work with you)

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