Having a cup of coffee, listening to the music and taking phone photos on the go by yourself for my SM photo content

3 tips to establish authority in your SM content

tips Jul 09, 2024

Is your photo content positioning you as the go-to authority in your field?

Avoid these three common mistakes that can quickly diminish your authority:

  1. Using selfies/portraits that undermine your authority.
    👉 Taking selfies or portraits from above causes people to look down at you—literally. This weakens your authority and leadership presence. Instead, take photos straight on to project confidence and credibility. This applies to videos too!

  2. Ignoring body language in videos/photos.
    👉 Body language accounts for 70% of your success. When you only show your face (like in selfies or “talking head” videos), you’re missing out on the full impact. Strong body language builds trust, connection, and strengthens your authority.

  3. Chasing low-value trends in reels.
    👉 Ask yourself: Does this trend truly resonate with your audience, or are you just chasing algorithms? Most trends lack depth and can cheapen your content, undermining your authority and effort.

If you look at successful entrepreneurs, you'll notice they avoid these missteps, ensuring their visuals always reflect their expertise.

 I can help you create compelling photo content that supports your marketing goals!





Ready to start creating amazing visuals for your business?
Check out the Visual Messaging DIY course—a self-paced, online program that will help you:

  1. Effortlessly create impactful photo content on the go, using just your phone—no need for time-consuming preparation.

  2. Save money on professional photoshoots (most entrepreneurs only use a handful of images anyway) and always have the perfect image ready to pair with your message.

  3. Use visuals strategically to support your marketing: position yourself as an authority, build trust, target your ideal audience, and inspire people to work with you.

Unlock Your Visual Strategy

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