Phone photoshoot for my client during retreat

Why Relying on a Photographer for Your Brand’s Visuals Could Be Holding You Back

marketing Oct 09, 2024

The truth is, most entrepreneurs stick to the “rules” because that’s what they’ve been told to do.

And this isn’t just true for photography—it happens in many areas of business.

But since we’re talking about brand images, let me continue with that example.

They hire photographers because it’s what they think they should do, assuming only a photographer knows what kind of photos they need. Especially with branding photographers, they expect to get marketing visuals that will somehow work wonders for their business.

In reality, from my experience on the other side of the camera, most photographers don’t actually know what kind of pictures you need unless you tell them. They’re artists, not marketers.

Now, imagine this:

You don’t know what photos you need for your business. Your photographer doesn’t know either.

So, what happens?

You get a general photoshoot—laptop on a desk, phone in hand, some shots of you sipping coffee in a rented kitchen, and a few simple portraits.

Sound familiar?

Yep, it’s the “I’m a busy entrepreneur” starter pack.

Ask yourself:

Why did you do the photoshoot in the first place?

To support your marketing, right?

But what does your photographer know about marketing? Did they research your business, your method, your upcoming content strategy? Probably not.

So, why would you expect marketing material from an artist whose focus is on delivering creative work, not marketing results?

But here’s something you need to hear:

You, not your photographer, are the true driver behind your brand’s visuals.

Ready to Take Control of Your Brand’s Visuals?

Stop relying on generic photoshoots and start creating visuals that truly align with your business and marketing goals. Learn how to capture authentic, powerful images that resonate with your audience by checking out my Visual Messaging DIY Course. If you want a faster result, check out my 1:1 Visual Messaging Mentorship.





Ready to start creating amazing visuals for your business?
Check out the Visual Messaging DIY course—a self-paced, online program that will help you:

  1. Effortlessly create impactful photo content on the go, using just your phone—no need for time-consuming preparation.

  2. Save money on professional photoshoots (most entrepreneurs only use a handful of images anyway) and always have the perfect image ready to pair with your message.

  3. Use visuals strategically to support your marketing: position yourself as an authority, build trust, target your ideal audience, and inspire people to work with you.

Unlock Your Visual Strategy

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