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Your SM is a virtual storefront

tips Jul 17, 2024

Look at your SM as a virtual storefront.

If you have a great product or service, people will naturally promote you through tags and mentions. (Have you noticed we do not usually share website links? We share SM profiles)

When people land on your SM profile, they first see your visuals.

Here is a trick...

As our subconscious responds to visuals first, what is happening is...

... you start communicating with people BEFORE they start reading or watching any of your content. Therefore...

... your visuals play a significant role in people's decision-making process. (Do I wanna watch it? Do I wanna follow this person? Do I wanna buy this?)

If SM is part of your business, put some effort into your visuals. Great, compelling visuals will help you organize your SM (virtual storefront) so that it works for your business (your brand) 24/7/365.



Visual Messaging DIY is a self-paced, online course that will help you:

1. Create great photo content on the go just with your phone without wasting time on any preparation.
2. Save tons of money on photoshoots (btw, most of entrepreneurs use max 10 images from each photoshoots) and always have the right image to pair with your copy,
3. Use imagesĀ to support your marketing.Ā (position yourself as authority, build trust, target market, show social proof, excite people to work with you)

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