Taking phone photos while picking up flowers

How to choose filters for your images

tips Jul 31, 2024

When you choose a filter for your photos, it’s important to think about the MESSAGE you want to communicate through your images.

The whole point of using filters is...

... to emphasize what’s important. And filters help you do so by adjusting certain colors in your pictures.

 Therefore selecting a filter based solely on aesthetics could result in losing important visual information that could help you reach your target market and showcase the promised transformation. 

Before recommending filters to my clients, I always take the time to understand:

- what they help people with and how they do it,

- their environment,

- and their personality,

so they can effectively convey their values of what they do through their photos and use them to support their marketing.

Next time you’re choosing a filter for your images, consider the points I just mentioned and select a filter based on them.

If you need help with your images, I’m more than happy to help. 

Satisfaction guaranteed!

Ready to start creating amazing visuals for your business?
Check out the Visual Messaging DIY course—a self-paced, online program that will help you:

  1. Effortlessly create impactful photo content on the go, using just your phone—no need for time-consuming preparation.

  2. Save money on professional photoshoots (most entrepreneurs only use a handful of images anyway) and always have the perfect image ready to pair with your message.

  3. Use visuals strategically to support your marketing: position yourself as an authority, build trust, target your ideal audience, and inspire people to work with you.

Unlock Your Visual Strategy

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